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Three Steps To Clean Skin - Cleanse,Tone,Moisturise

By: Jody Ehrhardt - Updated: 12 Jun 2017 | comments*Discuss
Fight Acne Skin-cleansing Regime Clean

A good skin-cleansing regime is about more than just clean skin-it also helps prevent breakouts helps keep premature ageing at bay, and promotes the glow of good health. By following three simple steps, which include cleansing, toning, and moisturising, you can keep your skin glowing with natural beauty all day every day!

Step 1: Cleanse

One of the most important aspects of finding the proper cleanser is to find one that meets the exact needs of your particular skin type. For example, if you are prone to breakouts, it is important that you use a cleanser that is formulated for sensitive skin, and is non-allergenic. You may also look for a cleanser that is medicated to help fight acne.

For dry or ageing skin, you will want a cleanser that contains extra moisture and boosted hydration. For oily, or shiny, skin you will want to choose a cleanser that controls oil production and reduces the size of facial skin pores.

Aside from choosing a cleanser that meets the needs of your skin you also need to choose one that works with your time schedule. Some cleansers just take minutes to apply and remove, while others require "setting" time in order to close pores or deep clean skin. If you choose a cleanser that works with your schedule you will be more apt to use it regularly and more able to get the results you seek.

Step 2: Tone

The main benefit from toner use is the tightening of the skin and the shrinking of facial pores. While all toners provide these benefits the ingredients and the processes offered by the toners can differ greatly. Some toners must be used more than once a day to see optimal results; other toners need extended time during application to work. Remember to choose one that works with your schedule.

As for ingredients some toners are formulated for sensitive skin, some focus on acne control, and some are concentrated for anti-ageing. As with the cleanser, check the label of the toner and choose the one that is engineered for your specific skin type and problem area.

Step 3: Moisturise

No matter how well you formulate and follow your skin-cleansing plan, the regime is never complete, or completely beneficial, without the proper moisturiser. A good moisturiser can mean the difference between good skin right now and great skin for years to come. A good moisturiser should address three key things: hydration, sun protection, and skin smoothing. For hydration you need to look for a moisturiser that contains ingredients that help your skin hold onto water for hours at a time. To help prevent sun damage the moisturiser should contain an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15. And for smoothness, the moisturiser should contain ingredients that help plump up the top layers of the skin.

For added benefit a moisturiser can also contain wrinkle-fighting additives, chemicals that help even out skin tone, and ingredients that increase the firmness of facial skin.

Once you find the perfect moisturiser it is imperative that you apply it twice a day (morning and night) to clean, dry skin. No matter how rushed you are never skip this step in your cleansing routine.

Guaranteed Results

In order to get the fresh, clean, glowing skin that symbolises good health and youth it is imperative that you utilise all three steps every day. And, while the steps may sound time-consuming the entire routine should take less than 10 minutes and the fuss is definitely worth it. After adhering to the proper cleansing regime for at least two weeks you will start to notice great improvements to your skin. Within a month you will be showing off rejuvenated skin that will make your friends green with envy!

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@Reuben- cleansing, toning and moisturizing will help your skin a lot - but it won't rid you of blackheads. These you may have to gently squeeze. But if you drink at least a litre of water a day this will help you to clear your skin more as both will work in tandem. The water will detoxify your whole system from the inside and prevent you getting more blemishes and spots.
Ali*9 - 13-Jun-17 @ 11:19 AM
Hello, I was wondering if cleansing, toning and moisturizing helps clear spots?? I've been doing my routine for around 4 weeks now and I definitely noticed I have more of a Glow, but I still get whiteheads, blackheads and red medium sized spots. Should I stick with it and see if I get less spots?? (I only have around 4-5 spots and a couple of small whiteheads) Thank you :)
Reuben - 12-Jun-17 @ 1:17 PM
i need help on my skin care problem. i have a problematic skin on face and i don't really have money to treat it through doctors so i would like to get some advice from you on how can i treat it using home care routen
snezie - 11-Sep-16 @ 12:25 PM
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