Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Capers Cream Cured My Rosacea: A Case Study
When Kate Sington got pregnant for the first time, her skin became inflamed, pimply and red. When it happened again with her second child, she was diagnosed with…...

Doctors Thought My Wart Could Be Skin Cancer: Case Study
Because of their appearance, a seborrheic keratosis can mimic the appearance of melanomas, or dangerous skin cancers. So when Lauren Lewis decided to have a large one…...

Hemp-based Salve Cured Eczema: A Case Study
Natalie Balmond tried all sorts of treatments for her daughter's eczema, but nothing seemed to work. So she decided to take matters into her own hands - literally -…...

How I Cured My Blepharitis: A Case Study
Blepharitis is a chronic condition of inflamed eyelids that causes the eyes to become itchy and red. When Duncan Snow first noticed the symptoms, he saw his GP for…...

I Had Laser Therapy for Scarring: Case Study
Natalie Shaw had such deep acne scars it forever made her self-conscious about her face - until she had a series of laser treatments....

Light Therapy Helped My Acne: A Case Study
Laura Jones tried all sorts of acne cures, but the only things that seemed to work were contraceptive pills and antibiotics. Looking for something a bit kinder and…...

My Eight-year-old Had Shingles: Case Study
When Anna Crofton a healthy eight-year-old, came down with a rash, her mother thought it was eczema or ringworm. When the GP told her it was shingles, she found it…...

Non Steroidal Cream Stopped My Itching: A Case Study
Melanie Smith suffered from eczema all her life, and had to rely on steroids to stop the itching. Then a new cream that was entirely natural changed things around for…...

Over-the Counter Product Helped My Blemishes: Case Study
Jaime Davis had suffered from acne for as long as he could remember and had tried various rememedies but nothing worked - until he found a two-step facial care plan…...

Roaccutane Cured My Acne: Case Study
Roaccutane is a controversial drug that was first administered in 1979 to patients who suffered from severe acne. It is now prescribed for people with mild to moderate…...

Why I Only Use a Paraben-free Suncream: A Case Study
Laura Campbell suffered from both endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome, and didn't want to use any skincare products that contained parabens or…...