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Dealing With Hard Skin

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 20 May 2018 | comments*Discuss
Hardskin; Feet; Hands; Skin Cells;

Preventing And Treating Hard Skin

To suffer from hard skin is very common and something that most people will experience at some time in their life.It can develop anywhere on the anatomy but is more often seen affecting the hands and feet.

Why Does It Occur?

The feet and hands are put under a lot of strain on a daily basis, carrying the body's weight, absorbing impact, managing weight fluctuations, transfer of goods from hand to hand and facing sometimes extremely adverse weather conditions. It is because of these reasons that the skin on the hands and feet are thicker, tougher and more resilient to damage that anywhere else on the body. The skin on these areas grows cells extremely quickly in response to the outside stimuli.

Signs Of Hard Skin

The first sign of hard skin is to notice dry skin patches. Most commonly seen on the feet and hands, hard skin develops over time and is not usually painful. As it progresses, hard skin can appear a yellowish colour, sometimes turning grey or pale brown and will continue to thicken and harden as time goes by.

Complications Of Hard Skin

Hard skin that is left untreated can lead to more painful conditions such as cracking, callous and corn occurrences and can take a very long time to heal properly.Once the skin has cracked, it is more susceptible to infection, commonly bacterial or fungal which in turn will need further treatments and possible time off work. Apart from the practical issues surrounding hard skin, it is unsightly and can be a source of ridicule and embarrassment for some.It is important to try and prevent hard skin from forming, or if unavoidable, to treat it when it is first noticed.

Treating And Preventing Hard Skin

Preventing hard skin does not have to be a long and arduous chore, in fact it can actually be a pleasurable experience using massage, aromatherapy and relaxation techniques. Simply by submerging the affected area into warm clean water will help to soften the skin. This can be followed by massaging oils or creams into the skin, or by using devices specifically designed to assist in the removal of hard skin.

Pumice stones or other natural products are very good at exfoliating the dead skin cells revealing smoother fresher skin underneath. This is particularly useful on the heels, ball of the foot and toes.

Correct drying techniques, followed by the application of a moisturising cream will help to keep the skin soft. Wearing cotton gloves, sock or soft slippers will also help to keep hard skin at bay.

As we get older it becomes more important to take good care of our feet. This is especially true of those with vascular disease and diabetes who may benefit from having their hard skin treated by a chiropodist as they will be able to perform the task safely and effectively causing minimal disruption to the tissues of the feet.

Hard skin is very common and can develop on anywhere on the body, but in particular, the foot or the hand. It is always best to try and prevent hard skin from developing in its initial stages, but if left to develop, it can be treated and removed relatively easily.

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I have hard skin on my body and is very very dry.I have tried everything including the moisturizers tissue oil bit no change. I am out of plans what must I do?
gli - 20-May-18 @ 10:32 PM
I have hard skin on my hand and legs i have try more hand lotion but not help, please help
Thabisile - 1-Apr-18 @ 1:13 PM
@nicky - a know how you feel, mine are like a mans and I hate my feet being touched. Lots of moisturiser and more!
Jules - 2-Nov-17 @ 1:53 PM
myhands areembarrassinglyhard I don'tknow what to do.. no one shakes my hand,not evenmy boyfriend.. it is so hard because I'm a woman and each time he offers to massage my feet I have to make up excuses.. it's a nightmareplease help
nicky - 1-Nov-17 @ 8:23 AM
help with hard skin on hands am not even orking hard but it givesme problem i dnt know what to do anymore and i cuticle hands lotions are not working what shall i do please asseblif help
Nompumelelo - 26-Sep-17 @ 7:36 PM
How long before I should get the hard skin back on my feet to book a appointment to get them both done again on both feet
Elizabeth - 17-Jun-16 @ 8:39 PM
Ihave ahard skin on my upper palm and it is not pain. Ive tried many medicine but it is not changing ,what should ido
Baba - 10-Jun-16 @ 7:38 PM
I have hard skin on my hands and I have use several hand cream but all my effort is abortive,I am feeling embarrassing anytime have handshake with friends and they always complain about my hand. What are the solutions to this problem or any ideas please?
doubledee - 13-Apr-15 @ 6:26 PM
@Alexandra - it might be worth having a word with an over-the-counter pharmacist who will be able to advise the best cream for your condition. It is always best to keep well-hydrated too as this helps soften your skin. Also, definitely wear household latex or rubber gloves when washing dishes as frequently plunging your hands in hot water can be the worst thing for them.I hope this helps.
SkinHelp - 19-Mar-15 @ 12:21 PM
I have hard skin on my hands, no creams work. Doctors don't understand that it's not just dry skin, but it's hard and isn't easily removed. Only when my hands are under warm or cold water for a long period of time, the skin becomes soft and appears white. I want to get rid of it. It's really embarrassing when my hands have been under water for a while like swimming or washing up. Any ideas or help?
Alexandra - 17-Mar-15 @ 12:02 AM
Have trouble with hard skin on back of little toe & one next to it only on left foot?? Cut dead skin off but back with in a week. I do a lot of walking & can get very uncomfortable. Can any one help with preventions?
Ange - 16-Feb-15 @ 8:03 PM
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